The aim of Terminal Space, supplement for the Original Edition role-playing game, is to add a new ruleset to help transfer the game to an entire new dimension which space exploration is. Any additional materials were created with a thought on settings heavily based in Science Fiction and Science Fantasy genres than most of the materials created for the game so far. Even though this data is not complete I hope that somebody will find them useful.
Game download is available for free, also you can buy printed version (without art) on Lulu. latest available version is 1.4.
Contact: necro_cyber [at] o2 [dot] pl

What the...

 Here, on this blog, yesterday :D


  1. Yeah. I'm surprised they're still using WinNT, too.

  2. Not too far from where I'm located...

  3. My friend is in Army Intelligence and they are full of gamers. A lot of exercises they do sound like table-top wargames. So you never know what they might be browsing during a break at work.
